Educational Materials Catalog
Pool Safely’s educational materials make it simple to share information about water safety that could save a life. Distribute the variety of items at public pools and spas and share them with friends and neighbors. To order campaign materials, click here.
Here's what you were looking for
Water Watcher Cards with Lanyards
This information card helps designate an adult water watcher to ensure someone is always supervising children in and near water. The card lists the Pool Safely safety steps and instructions for the supervising adult.
Brochures and Cards|Adults|Materials to OrderEnglish Spanish
Safety Barrier Guidelines for Residential Pools
Learn about the barriers intended to prevent drownings and non-fatal drownings of children in home pools, spas and hot tubs. Guidelines cover fences, gates, audible alarms for doors and power safety covers.
Brochures and Cards|Adults|Materials to OrderDownload -
Pool Safely Educational Video Introduction
Actress Ming-Na introduces the Pool Safely Educational video and some of the simple steps that save lives. You never know which Pool Safely step will save a life until it does. Video series consists of 7 chapters. Available in both English and Spanish.
Video and Audio|Adults|KidsEnglish Spanish -
Pool Safely Tattoos: Logo
These temporary tattoos are popular with children and help spread the word about water safety. Available for ordering with the Pool Safely logo (English and Spanish).
Tchotchkes|Kids -
Inspection for Compliance with VGB
CPSC’s 8 training videos for proper inspection of pools and spas for compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act.
Video and Audio|AdultsEnglish -
Pool Safely Fan
The fan can be used to promote the Pool Safely campaign and its water safety steps, while helping consumers stay cool by the pool. The fan is available in English and Spanish.
Tchotchkes|Adults|Kids|Materials to Order -
Communications Toolkit
The campaign offers a variety of helpful educational materials to help educate adults and children on how to stay safer around the water. Materials include brochures, tip cards, stickers, posters, advertisements and public service announcements. The Communications Toolkit provides a “how-to” kit for holding your own water safety event and tips for engaging the media. Pool Safely partners will find the toolkit to be most useful.
Brochures and Cards|Posters and Flyers|Tchotchkes|AdultsDownload