Spreading the Word

Learn more about what you can do to keep kids safer at your own pool or at community pools and spas.

While installing safety devices and adopting water safety behaviors help ensure the safety of pools and spas, it’s also important for parents and families to advocate for water safety in their local communities and neighborhoods.

CPSC’s Pool Safely campaign gives parents and families the water safety information and tools they need to become more involved in pool and spa safety efforts locally—both in their neighborhoods and the wider community.

Talk to Your Neighbors

The Pool Safely campaign provides helpful water safety materials, such as brochures, tip cards, videos and public service announcements (PSAs), which can assist parents in starting and continuing conversations with their neighbors about pool and spa safety.

You can follow the Pool Safely campaign on Twitter to learn more about pool and spa safety, share the information with your friends and neighbors or recount your own pool safety stories.

Because many residential pools are the focus of neighborhood activity, it’s important to share water safety information with neighbors to ensure they’re using safety devices, such as barriers and alarms, and adopting safer water habits around their pools or spas.

If you have a pool or spa that is open to friends and neighbors, then it’s equally important that you inform them about your pool and spa safety rules.

Find Pool Safely materials that you can use in our Educational Materials Catalog.

Connect with Local Officials

CPSC recommends engaging your local officials in order to build public support for pool and spa safety initiatives, such as ensuring continuing inspections of public pools and spas, handling fencing and barrier issues and sharing key information with parents and families about water safety.

By developing relationships with local health departments, environment or building code officials, or contacting elected officials in your community, such as city council members or county commissioners, parents and families can elevate the importance of pool and spa safety in their local communities.
